
Words from some of our long lasting and new budding relationships. Thank you all!

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"As Director of ICLS Vietnam, I look forward to a lasting relationship with College Visitation Charities and its assistance with our students visiting American universities and virtual classes in college preparation and language."

Dr. Nga Ha

ntegrated Culture and Language Studies
Director of International Relations,I

“As manager of the Mauser EcoHouse in Costa Rica, I look forward to hosting and making murals with the visual arts students from College Visitation Charities”

Wade Warren
CEO at ABC Corporation

We had an incredible experience working with Landify and were impressed they made such a big difference in only three weeks. Our team is so grateful for the wonderful improvements they made and their ability to get familiar with the concept.
Jane Cooper
CEO at ABC Corporation
We had an incredible experience working with Landify and were impressed they made such a big difference in only three weeks. Our team is so grateful for the wonderful improvements they made and their ability to get familiar with the concept so quickly.
Wade Warren
CEO at ABC Corporation

Statements of Global Support

"As Director of ICLS Vietnam, I look forward to a lasting relationship with College Visitation Charities and its assistance with our students visiting American universities and virtual classes in college preparation and language."

Dr. Nga Ha
Director of International Relations,Integrated Culture and Language Studies


“As manager of the Mauser EcoHouse in Costa Rica, I look forward to hosting and making murals with the visual arts students from College Visitation Charities”

Heather Cook
Manager, Mauser

Eco House Costa Rica

“College Visitation Charities (CVC) has been very instrumental with the students from the College Admission Process (CAP) program at the St. Croix Educational Complex and the St. Croix Central High School in the US Virgin Islands. The CAP students of Mu Gamma Omega Chapter of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc.(MGO CAP)  truly benefited from all the virtual college preparatory workshops your organization provided throughout the pandemic. CVC, YOU ROCK!”

Lorraine Benjamin-Matthew
Program Chair 2020-2022 College Access Program,Mu Gamma Omega Chapter of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc.

United States Virgin Islands

"The first partner that my company worked with was College Visitation Charities and its principal, Reverend Nelson Copeland. As Founder and Lead Teacher at CollegeThoughts, there is no one else that we trust for our college tour planning needs. Reverend Copeland is simply the best.”

Keith Wilkerson,
Founder, CollegeThoughts

United States

Statements of Alumni Support

"College Visitation Charities (CVC), formerly known as CECAAL, played a pivotal role in making my dream of attending college a reality. I always knew that I wanted to go to college, but I had no clue about how to get there. CECAAL gave me a firsthand look at different universities, showed me what to expect as a college student, and taught me how to navigate the college admissions process. CECAAL/CVC is not only a resource, but a network that has become a family to me. I am truly grateful for Rev. Copeland and his vision, and I am glad that I went on that "little college tour" all those years ago. Thank you, thank you, THANK YOU!"

Athena Hemphill, Esq.

Alumna, 1996

“College Visitation Charities, from CECAAL, wet my appetite for higher education. The exposure to higher education led to me earning a doctorate and working in the field of higher education assisting students to post-secondary completion. I encourage all students who have the opportunity to experience higher education through the lens of College Visitation Charities....it will change your life.”

DeAndre K. Jones
Doctor of Education

Alumnus, 2001

“CECAAL and College Visitation Charities have been a huge part of my life since I was a teen. A teacher once told me that college was impossible for me. However, when I attended the tour in high school I was convinced that my collegiate and career dreams ARE possible. Attending the tour was a pivotal turning point in my life which led to achieving a Bachelor's degree from Bowie State University and working at major broadcasting companies such as CNN, NBC, and ESPN etc as well as being a filmmaker and entrepreneur. Thank you to Rev. Copeland and College Visitation Charities for helping me achieve the impossible dream.”

Roxanne Lanette
Filmmaker and CEO of Brown Rebel Filmworks LLC

Alumna, 2000

“I am from St.Croix U.S Virgin Islands and have always dreamed of becoming a pilot as well as attending college. Less than 2% of pilots are African American. College Visitation Charities provided me with the opportunity to attend virtual college prep classes which I took and it became handy during the pandemic when applying for college. I was a part of the inaugural class of the Red Tails Flight Academy (inspired by the Tuskegee Airmen) and I am a pilot today. Consider College Visitation Charities for virtual college prep. It worked for me."

Anthony Gilbert

Virtual Alumnus, 202

“I was a tiny little sponge, sooooooo thirsty for knowledge. I was in awe of everything I encountered. CECAAL now College Visitation Charities really changed my life. It was one man's vision Nelson Elwood Copeland, Jr.--for inner city kids like myself to receive a secondary education. He has sacrificed his entire life to this cause by arranging college tours all over this country and overseas!!!!

I was blessed to attend his very first college tour in 1990. He was just a kid himself then when he asked Mrs. Mildred Rodriguez could he take her “Lil'Lupe” down south for a week. She has always loved Nelson for his vision and strength. He believed in me when no one else did.  He is my MENTOR, my HERO!!!!!  He is one of the brick layers who constructed the foundation of Ms. Lupe Sharlane Martin. I am Forever Grateful!!!! THANK YOU SOOOOOOO MUCH!!!!!! Words could never describe my Gratitude.”

Lupe Martin
Frmr, U S. Navy & Philadelphia Police Department

Alumna, 1990

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